
Diablo 2 resurrected werebear build
Diablo 2 resurrected werebear build

diablo 2 resurrected werebear build

  • The latest version of the Opera browser sends multiple invalid requests to our servers for every page you visit.
  • The most common causes of this issue are: It is also a very tricky PvP character to play as people can easily use fire absorb and full resists to negate much of your damage.Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests. Its difficult PvM and would make the bear seem a very unfinished character that could be further developed as it is severely handicapped by the lack of skills or attacks that affect more than 1 target. Using Aldurs gives you the opportunity to use other shields like tiamat's rebuke/headhunter's glory/moser's blessed circle. Rest of the items remain the same except for those replaced by Aldurs set.

    diablo 2 resurrected werebear build

    Socket the weapon with 3 shael runes for speed. (although your paltry physical damage will not cause you to leech much back, it helps a lot when surviving in hell difficulty.) Weapon: Baranar's star/Lightsabre/azuewrath/stormlash/horizon's tornado/Ribcracker staff/tomb reaverĪrmour: I suggest a runeword item with resists like prudence/Chains of honour/stone/duress but you can try aldur's armour too.

    diablo 2 resurrected werebear build

    although one creature will still die in 2–4 seconds you will be overrun by the mob of fire immune creatures. If you wish to try your hand at hell difficulty with firebear prepare to be frustrated with fire-immunes as you will have to switch weapons or continue dealing 600 physical damage to a 30,000 life creatures ONE AT A TIME using the max speed phase blade. Rings: Ravenfrost+ Bul-Kathos wedding band Gloves need not have increased attack speed as the weapon itself is fast enough. Rational for jewel choice is due to the fact that this build will not have full resists and physical damage dealt is negligible. This gives the fastest attack speed a bear can reach(4 frames per hit). Other mods should NOT be +dmg or +%dmg and should be either attack rating/def/resistance. Weapon: 6 socket phase blade gemmed with 4 shael runes and two 15%ias jewels with other mods. No points are needed in Energy.Įquipment PvP setup for firebear(A) Diablo II: Resurrected Review - Pile Of Old BonesĮnough Strength and Dexterity for your gear and the rest into Vitality.

    Diablo 2 resurrected werebear build